MickeyMouseClubhouse Wiki

Mickey's Round Up is an episode from the second season.


Professor Von Drake's package of wild numbers has arrived at the Clubhouse. However, they accidentatlly let out and it is up to Mickey and his Clubhouse friends to done cowboy/cowgirl clothes and gear and round them all up to the "Mickey Corral" on the grounds. Can they defeat the numbers, before the Professor returns from an errand?

Characters Present


  • A Giant Catcher's Mitt
  • An Elephant
  • A Jump Rope

End Credits

  • Remembering what one plus two dots equals.


Here are the Numbers' defeats

  • 10: Freed by an elephant
  • 9: Mickey tells Minnie a joke
  • 8: Caught by Goofy
  • 7: Goofy does a magic trick
  • 6, 5 and 4: Rounded up by Mickey
  • 3: Daisy does math
  • 2 and 1: Minnie and Daisy calm down the numbers by jump roping
  • All the Numbers: Arrested by the Gang in a box